Question Box Sunday
Got a burning question? Join us for a totally unrehearsed but thoroughly theological service of answers and questions as Rev. Valerie takes your questions on matters of faith and beyond from the floor.
Got a burning question? Join us for a totally unrehearsed but thoroughly theological service of answers and questions as Rev. Valerie takes your questions on matters of faith and beyond from the floor.
Join us for a service of remembrance. You are invited to bring an image or a memento of a beloved ancestor if you choose.
It’s time to put aside the summer and welcome the winter. Let’s use the “balance” inherent in this time of year—the Autumn Equinox—as a metaphor for the role of balance in our communal and family relationships—where do we look for inspiration in this task?
Join us for the Unitarian Universalist tradition of Water Communion, where we celebrate our common life with a ritual of combining water and using it to “water” our collective aspirations for the next year. Please bring a container of water to use in the service.
What is behind the growing tendency of people claiming they are “spiritual but not religious”? Why are so many in our time finding the word “religion” problematic, and is there a way we can reclaim religion?
How can we use our understanding of our Unitarian Universalist past to inform our future goals as a beloved community?