September 2024

Greetings, Beloved Community!

What a historic and exciting time in the life of this community!

At long last the dream has been realized and the next stage of your history can be made.  We can breathe deep and offer our deep gratitude to those who have made this new dawn come about, even in the midst of setbacks and world events that challenged all congregations and communities everywhere.

Our Soul Matters theme this month is “invitation.”   A lot of beginnings in our lives happen as the result of an invitation.  Most of us could probably think of times when an invitation changed something – either a friend invited us out when they saw we were struggling, or something seemed interesting to us and we went to check it out, finding a whole new community in the process.  There are also invitations that come from within u – a dawning reality, or answer, to a problem, or a nagging sense of unresolve that invites us to explore further.  When we are open to exploration and risk, all kinds of transformations can occur.

An invitation is an opportunity to reframe what we know, to re-learn and retool, to renew as well as to discard.   I think that as we breathe deep and lean into the new beginnings, the thing to remember is that putting love at the center of our UU values means that we are curious and aware of what each day invites us to do.

As you know, this month we will gradually take charge of our new building, in preparation for the dedication on October 6th.  I trust you will join us this month as we live into this new future.

There will be a “new to UU” class in October, as well as a monthly meditation circle.  I look forward to greeting you and imagining together how we will shift the ways we serve the North Fork community.


Rev. Valerie

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