SAC & 8th Principle Task Force: May, 2024

In March, we received Board approval for:

– Rural & Migrant Ministry to be April STP recipient; and,

– North Fork Environmental Council (NFEC) to be the recipient in May.

Although there was a mixup announced (by me – sorry) at the First Sunday in April, I will make sure that each organization gets an equal donation (of the higher amount contributed).

In April, SAC sponsored a lecture and slide presentation by the North Fork Project, covering the 178-year history of slavery on the North Fork of Long Island.  The panel consisted of: Steve Wick, Exec. Dir. of the Timed Review News Group; Richard Wines, an independent historian; and, Amy Kasuga Folk, the Southold Town historian.

The nearly 50 people who attended (only 9 of whom were members of our congregation) actively engaged with the speakers during the lengthy Q&A and with one another while enjoying refreshments.  As we mingled, a number of people stood in line to sign our guest book; we were invited to attend The Clinton Memorial A.M.E. Zion Church; and to participate in the Juneteenth Parade and Community Celebration in Greenport, on Saturday, June 15th.

Without the work of Mary Charters, Margaret deCruz, Susan Johnson, Mary James, Brian McManus, Susan Pond, and Mark & Lauren Sisson this event would NOT have happened.  That may be often said, but each of you has at least one story to tell about how it’s true in this instance.  I am so grateful to each of you for the unique ways you contribute and show your love and commitment.

On Saturday, May 4th, our congregation will participate in this year’s NFEC REPAIR CAFE – they are. still looking for Volunteer Helpers and Skilled Coaches with tools!  To volunteer, and for more information, email Margaret deCruz:  [email protected].  Look for #northforkenviro on social media.

***And we are looking for items to give away at our REDUCE / REUSE / RECYCLE table. So dig out your unused but unwanted paper goods (ex. greeting cards, bows, wrapping paper, gift bags, note cards, pads, notebooks writing paper, envelopes, stationery, decorative cardboard boxes, calendars, etc).

Since the focus for Earth Day / Month this year was “plastics,” we will take and give away your CLEAN plastics.  We are also looking for people to person the table – spread the word!

Date & time – Saturday, May 4, 2024, from 1:00-4:00pm

Place – Floyd Memorial Library, 539 First Street, Greenport, NY

Bring your CLEAN PAPER / PLASTIC giveaways; a couple of items in need of fixing to the library and visit your neighbors.  Voluntary contributions to NFEC are appreciated.

The responsibility of General Assembly (GA) delegate has expanded in the last few years beyond mere attendance at the annual June meeting and giving a report to the congregation.  As your 2023-2024 GA delegate, I participated in a number of meetings (called mini-assemblies) during last fall and winter, regarding the proposed changes to Article II of the UUA bylaws.  During the spring, I attended a six-hour training over four weeks, on those evolving changes, along with three other members of SAC.

The April 28th Sunday service was intended to provide the congregation with an overview of what we’ve learned and ascertain how you want your 2024-2025 GA delegates to vote on those changes.  You will be receiving an email reviewing the materials covered on the 28th, along with answers to some questions brought up since then and links to resources for further reading / viewing.  This will also include the link, promised on Sunday, to the Maya Angelou piece I referenced.  Any additional questions you might have are welcome and will be researched.

Although anyone can attend GA (and I encourage you to do so), based on the size of our congregation, we are only entitled to two (2) GA delegates which translates to two (2) votes.  Patte McManus and Mary James have been nominated as your 2023-2025 GA delegates and we look forward to listening to and representing your opinions during the debates and votes.

We are still expecting to attend a fifth session of LIAC’s online course to be held sometime before General Assembly 2024, in June.  It also will be FREE and open to members of LIAC congregations, and attendees DO NOT have to have attended the prior four (4) sessions.

Calling ALL gardeners!   Especially those of you who are proponents of ReWilding!  Grab your gloves and garden tools AND a friend!  Upon selection as a ReWild garden this year, we agreed to support other local gardening programs through what they call our “give back by volunteering.”  In other words, even though we won’t be planting until Autumn, we are paying upfront for assistance from the other gardens’ volunteers at our planting time.

Bring your questions, ideas, and thoughts about any / all of the above / anything else you want your SAC / 8th Principle Task Force to be working on to the next meeting…

Date & time – 3rd Wednesday of the month.  May 15, 2024, from 4:00-5:00pm

Place – attend either IN PERSON at Southold Free Library in the 2nd floor meeting room OR via Zoom link.

One of the agenda items will be planning a monthly panel / discussion group for the upcoming 2024-2025 year.  We would appreciate hearing from you, prior to the 15th, about any potential topics / speakers that interest you.  Please email your suggestions to [email protected] AND DO COME TO THE MEETING!

Look forward to working with you,

Patte McManus (she, her, we)

(631)997-9405      [email protected]