SAC & 8th Principle Task Force: December 2024

**If you have questions, concerns, ideas, need of assistance, OR, if you have answers to questions and requests for help, please call / text / email:  Patte McManus **see contact info below**

Thanks to the congregation generosity, we collected $ 215.00 in the November First Sunday Share The Plate (STP) for the LI chapter of the Poor People’s Campaign.  Speaking of the LI Chapter, Michael Zweig who spoke to us in September about “A National Call for Moral Revival,” had brought a few copies of his latest book Class, Race, and Gender: Challenging the Injuries and Divisions of Capitalism and all were purchased.  We received and forwarded requests for additional copies, Michael delivered four (4) of them – SIGNED, and they are available for sale at $20 (proceeds are going to the Poor People’s Campaign).


Per previous Board approval, the December First Sunday STP will be taken up to benefit Sound Justice Initiative (SJI) whose Founder and President, Dr. Kerry Spooner, spoke to our congregation on Sunday, November 24th.  You’ll remember, from her prior two visits, that SJI offers college and employment preparation courses to adults and young adults in Suffolk County jails, in an effort to reduce recidivism rates.

If you missed the North Fork Environmental Council (NFEC) showings of John Feldman’s documentary film REGENERATING LIFE: How to cool the planet, feed the world, and live happily ever after, during October you will have another opportunity to view it early in 2025.  According to NYS production company Hummingbird Films, “REGENERATING LIFE takes an ecological approach to unpacking the social and environmental crises that confronts us, shifting the prevailing climate change story, and offering new, attainable solutions.”  President of NFEC, Mark Haubner is giving us the choice of:

1) showing the film in three (3) different sessions with Q&A after each 40 minute showing, OR

2) one 137 minute showing (with perhaps a break or two) and Q&A.

**Thoughts? Preference?**

On Wednesday, November 13th, Mary Charters, Margaret deCruz, Georgianne Gregg, Sharon Kelly, Mark & Lauren Sisson, and Randy Wade spent the afternoon removing non-native plants from our Contemplative Garden which had originally been planted by our builder so we could get our Certificate of Occupancy).  The ground was then prepped for the November 20th visit from Long Island ReWild members and founders of the North Fork ReWild Chapter who arrived with Dunkin’ coffee and munchkins just in time for the delivery of: yarrow; anise hyssop; little blue stream; red chokeberry; swamp milkweed; butterfly weed; baptisia; mountain mint; and NY aster plants.  Joining the team that afternoon was Michael and Catherine Fortenberry

who helped to transform our front garden to a home for pollinators!  A special thanks to all the above named and those who will be providing T.L.C. and winterization.

**Anyone interested in helping?**

SAC is holding our annual Fall Food and Winter Coat Drop-Offs throughout the end of the year.  A large box will be arriving shortly for new or gently used clean coats (all sizes needed, especially children’s sizes).  There are currently four (4) baskets on the floor near the coat closets at the back door.  Each basket has a flyer with a list of needed items which you can take an iPhone as a shopping reminder of the canned and non-perishable food, personal care and paper items needed.  Items can be dropped off “on the bend” during the following times:  Tu/W/Th from 10:00am-2:00pm, Sat from 9:00-11:00am, Sun 10:30am-1:00pm.  **Can’t come to the church during those hours or need a pick up – see below**

BTW – we are planning to install our own mini food pantry.  In the interim, all donations will be delivered to C.A.S.T.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT from the Little Free Pantry movement: 29% of those experiencing food insecurity DO NOT qualify for federal nutrition programs.

The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) has many resources available to congregations and individuals at   One of my favorites is my FREE subscription to Braver/Wiser: A Weekly Message of Courage and Compassion which is delivered to my email every Wednesday.  You can also visit the UUA website and from the home page click on “Worship & Inspiration “ and then click on Braver/Wiser” to scroll through filters or putting in a keyword.

In addition to an original reflection and brief prayer, this week’s offering, entitled “Courageous Connection,” included the following quote from Michelle Obama: “You may not always have a comfortable life and you will not always be able to solve all of the world’s problems at once but don’t ever underestimate the importance you can have, because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own.”

Your next meeting of SAC / 8th Principle Task Force is scheduled for…

Date & time – 2nd Wednesday of the month, December 11, 2024, from 4:00-5:00 pm

Place – via Zoom link emailed that morning, OR, in person “on the bend” in our small gathering space.

Theme – Presence / Transformation

Hope you all have a wonderful Thanks/Friendsgiving,

**Patte McManus  **(631) 997-9405