In February, the Board approved John’s Place homeless shelter in Greenport, as our March STP recipient. In addition to the collection box we had at March Sunday services (NOW filled to the top), John’s Place will receive a check for $ 200, thanks to your generosity and support.
Also in February, we received Board approval for our April STP recipient to be Rural & Migrant Ministry (R&MM) which recently sent an appeal seeking support in their quest to legally maintain union status AND employment at local vineyards.
On March 19, 2024, R&MM proudly announced a $1 million investment by Yield Giving (established by MacKenzie Scott) positioning R&MM “to be more strategic and effective in addressing the issues facing farm-working and rural families in NY.” Given this exciting influx of funds, we will ask that the funds we collect for R&MM in May be applied to YEP, their Youth Empowerment Program.
In April, SAC is sponsoring a presentation by the North Fork Project, a collaborative research effort to uncover and piece together the 178-year history of slavery on the North Fork. The team
includes: Steve Wick, Exec. Dir. of the Times-Review; Amy Kasuga Folk, Southold Town
historian; Riverhead historian Richard Wines; and , independent historian Sandi Brewster-Walker specializing in the history, culture, and genealogies of LI people of color
Date & time – Saturday, April 20, 2024, from 1:15-3pm. Light refreshments will be served.
Place – Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, 768 Main Street, Greenport
This month the Board approved our ally, North Fork Environmental Council (NFEC), as the May STP recipient.
In May, our congregation will participate in this year’s first NFEC REPAIR CAFÉ – a community-building event where experts repair, AND will show YOU how to repair: clothes; furniture; electrical appliances; bicycles; jewelry; etc., at no cost. However, voluntary contributions are appreciated AND Volunteer Helpers and Skilled Coaches with tools are needed!
To volunteer, and for more information, email Margaret deCruz: [email protected] Look for #northforkenviro on social media.
***Last year, our congregation was able to REDUCE box loads of items from going to the landfill by letting other people REUSE / RECYCLE our unwanted paper goods. During this month of April (on the Sundays leading up to May 4th), we will be collecting: greeting cards, bows, wrapping paper, gift bags, note cards, pads, notebooks writing paper, envelopes, stationery, decorative cardboard boxes, calendars.
You can also bring your discards to the event, along with one or two items in need of fixing.
Date & time – Saturday, May 4, 2024, from 1:00-4:00pm
Place – Floyd Memorial Library, 539 First Street, Greenport
In March, LIAC offered an online program created by Wellspring UUA and consisting of four 90-min. sessions. Four members of SAC attended and examined the proposed Article II changes to the UUA Bylaws, Principles and Purposes – the foundation for all the work of our UUA work.
We focused on our Covenant, Purpose and Inspirations both before and after the changes made at the 2023 General Assembly and centering value Love in Article II. We explored the six values of Interdependence, Justice, Equity, Generosity, Pluralism, and Transformation that we were introduced to in the Fall of 2023. And then we discussed the February 2024 Final Proposed Article II which includes amendments to include the values of Peace and Reason which were suggested by vote of the 2023 GA Delegates.
At the fourth session held on Monday, March 25th, we learned that a review session is going to be held before General Assembly 2024, in June. It also will be FREE and open to all members of LIAC congregations regardless of whether you participated in the 4-week program.
Come to the next meeting of your SAC / 8th Principle Task Force
Date & time – 2nd Wednesday of the month. April 10, 2024, from 4:00-5:00pm
Place – attend either IN PERSON at Southold Free Library in the 2nd floor meeting room OR via Zoom link
With gratitude for your continued support,
Patte McManus (she, her, we)
631)997-9405 [email protected]