Cost of Rebuilding the Church / 2nd (Hard Cost) Estimates
Eugene and Ann Burger (Contractor/Builder) suggested that, with some modest changes and careful detailing, and through a competitive bidding process (after the Construction Drawings are completed), they could buy “our current project” (without major re-design) for $2.5-$2.6M. That cost includes the Building (inside and outside), the Site Plan Work, and Landscaping
Fundraising / Donations
Our current building budget/money available is: $2,050,000. Our (only) source of revenue for re-building is insurance money and fundraising. We have received several very generous donations from members and friends of the congregation… which got us to the $2,050,000 we have now.
The Board had hoped we would raise $300,000 to $500,000 by fundraising.
That has not happened…yet. BUT IT COULD STILL HAPPEN if we work at it!
Cost Savings
Our architect, Peter Marren, believes we can achieve the necessary cost savings without compromising the current building and site design (that we have worked so hard to develop, and that has been so universally accepted by the Town of Southold Historic Architectural Review Board) by reducing the size of the building (somewhat). The reduced size (& cost) will get us closer to the $2M target.
Peter Marren gave us some straightforward solutions. By changing the size and shape of the parish hall and some interior spaces, it should bring the cost down significantly. The Building Team and Board will meet next week to discuss and hopefully resolve these issues.
Ways to donate:
MATCHING FUNDS: every dollar received, up to $10,000, will be matched by Thornton & Sherry Smith / $10,000 will become $20,000
Mark your check: Building Fund Match
BY MAIL: First Universalist Church
POBox 221 Southold, NY 11971
Mark your check: Building Fund
PAYPAL: [email protected]
Irene Stewart
Building Team Chair