February 2025

Dear Beloved Community,

Our Soul Matters theme this month is inclusion. I couldn’t think of a better value to explore right now, particularly during “Side with Love” month. Inclusion- as something to strive towards in society, government, and corporate life- has been excoriated lately and it would be well to define what it is to understand why those who dislike it find it so threatening.

When we seek mere diversity, we try to make sure that our endeavors- whatever they may be- are represented by people of diverse backgrounds and life experience. This often does result in a bit of transformation, but if we stop there, we don’t go far enough. Inclusion changes the very structure of our institutions and associations by making sure that those who are invited also make the choices. Verna Myers, an expert on inclusion, has a useful metaphor, “Diversity is being invited to the dance, inclusion is being asked to dance.”

I believe when we seek out both diversity and inclusion, we are truly doing the work of bending the arc of the universe more towards justice, as first Theodore Parker and then Martin Luther King reminded us. It doesn’t get there because one landmark period of Civil Rights legislation allowed all of us to go home and relegate that period of time to history books. Justice arrives when we strive to change the way we make decisions, the space we give everyone to talk, and the perspectives that make up the rich tapestry of our lives. We don’t need a dance planned by one group, we need to ask some new people to join our dance committee!

Those who seek to squash inclusion want the world to be like them. They want a monoculture centering on a retrograde arrangement that won’t interfere with their power or values. I believe, however, that the care we show for one another is equal to that which we will show to those who seek us out and will become part of our faith communities. We can and will demonstrate our kindness- and our willingness to learn- by the spiritual practices of inclusive sanctuary. And when we include others into our joy our own experience of joy expands exponentially.

We have lots of exciting events and services planned for this month- the women’s rally action center is off to a flying start, and we will continue to sooth our spirits with Soulful Sundowns. I will be leading Spiritual Practice on Zoom Thursday, February 20 at 6pm.

I look forward to seeing you around the community. As always, if you would like to make an appointment with me, please do not hesitate to contact the office at 631 765-3494.

Warm regards,

Rev. Valerie