Building Team Update

The Building Team has met three times since its formation in November; already they are working hard to figure out what they need, who they need it from, and created a process for how to work together.
The Team decided to have a rotating chair, so as not to overstress anyone; every two months, this person would organize the agenda and run the meetings. They have established some ongoing processes to ensure information is shared with the congregation and the community in a reasonable manner.
Meanwhile, the Board has issued the formal charge to the Building Team, which includes purpose, responsibilities, and some processes. Note that this is a living document; as needs arise, the Board or the Team may ask for adjustments. This charge is posted here and in paper form by request.
There will be some public events soon, where we’ll discuss our status and get ideas – meanwhile, the Building Team is still in fact-gathering mode, trying to figure out what it is we need to learn and how to progress.
Please note that someone from the Building Team will be making brief announcements to the congregation on a biweekly basis; also, Building Team members will begin wearing a green ribbon on their nametags for easy identification at our services. Please note that there are many more questions than answers at this point, so Building Team members aren’t just being coy when they say “we are looking at it” or “we don’t know yet.”
The Team is energized, excited about this project, and working hard already.