Building Team Notes May 26, 2016

Notes for Building Team Meeting May 26

Irene Stewart (acting chair), Laurie Ullman, Bill Funke, Peter Young, Mark Sisson, Sherry Smith, Donya VanBuren, Beth Peterson, Xavier Amador, Kimberley Debus

Excused; Suzette Reiss

Meeting called to order at 7:03

Opening words by Kimberley from William Carlos Williams “This Is Just To Say,” found in Dancing With Joy: 99 Poems.

The Team welcomed Xavier as new Board President.

The minutes from May 19 were read and accepted.

The Team discussed the General Congregational Meeting and thanked Mark for leading our portion of it. This led to a discussion of the idea of having “visitors” to the Building Team meetings, i.e., members of the Congregation who would like to express concerns, ideas and proposals with the Team. These would be separate from experts the Team contacts. The Team decided to move forward with inviting members of the congregation.  The following points were expressed, in no particular order:

-this could go a long way to assuaging the Congregation that they are being heard.

-this could seriously impinge on the BT’s function.

-visitors would need to contact the Team (at [email protected]) to make an appointment.

-there would be a limit of three visitors at any one meeting.

-there would be a limit of 10 minutes at the meeting for visitor comments.

– many of the concerns expressed by the Congregation have already been covered by the Building Team during our tenure.

-there would be no discussion of statements from visitors while present, beyond assuring them that their ideas would be brought to the table.

-comments or ideas would be included in the minutes for that meeting.

-the deadline for making an appointment with the Team would be the Sunday immediately prior to the BT meeting.

-there would be no limit to the number of times a person could visit, but new visitors would be encouraged.

-Xavier’s LEAP program is a good example of our concept. It can be found online.

-visitors would be asked to leave at the end of the comment session.

A draft of a notice to be included in the Free Spirit was composed. It follows;

“The Building Team would like to invite members of the congregation to visit our meetings to voice concerns, proposals, or ideas.  Please send an email to [email protected] to notify us of your intention.”

Bill reminded the Team that we must continue to move forward in order to stay within the deadline established by our insurance contract.

Peter presented a list of alternate builders, and their approximate costs, based on a 6000 square foot structure. It was noted that those costs did not include furnishings for the Church, i.e., chairs, appliances, etc. (There will be a listing of all the folks Peter has contacted compiled for inclusion in the records of the Building Team.) It was noted that Stacey Bishop, and NeCM, has offered to donate to the Church aspects of her services.

Laurie will contact the Landmark Preservation Commission for further guidance in our design process. The Team should investigate if there is a source for NYS Building Code requirements, though these should be known by our ultimate contractor. However, it might be helpful to know dimensions of code requirements. Irene stated the Team should remember what spaces had been used for in the original structure and keep those uses in mind when assigning spaces. Kimberley stated the Team should bear in mind the direction of the Church and its future mission.

Sherry presented a handout, “Challenges re: Interior Design.” (see attached) The Team spent some time discussing items on this list, as well as others not listed. Sherry also reiterated, and the Team agreed, that there is still time to contact outside experts about alternative ideas and designs. She suggested there be an informative session with an engineered construction expert to explain modular construction.

It was noted that Stacey had told us of a retired architect, Steve Rosetti, who would be willing to execute four elevations of a plan at a cost of $1000. The Team decided to move forward with this idea; Kimberley will contact Mr. Rosetti and invite him to our next meeting. Mark presented a plan and promised to have a better rendition for the Team’s perusal.

Our next meeting will be June 2. Irene will continue as chair.

Meeting adjourned at 9:08.


Challenges RE: Interior Design

ORGAN:  Pipe organ, electronic organ, keyboard

LOBBY ENTRANCE: Access to Sanctuary from parking lot, use of side doors to Sanctuary

FIREPLACE: Real fireplace in Meeting Hall, electric or none

APPLIANCES IN KITCHEN: High end commercial or regular

PARKING LOT: Presumably paved, how large? Cost?

STAGE: Sanctuary or Meeting Hall. How elaborate?

GOING GREEN: What are the options

CENTRAL AIRCONDITIONING: Or window units and fans?


BATHROOMS:  How many? Shower available?

STAIRWAYS: How many? Any outside stairs?  (Elevator mandated?)