Building Team Notes May 18, 2017


Irene Stewart, Peter Young, Suzette Reiss, Sherry Smith, Mark Sisson, Peter Marren

Excused: Beth Peterson


Meeting called to order at 7:05


Peter Marren reported on his preliminary meetings with Southold Town officials. He noted that their initial reactions were very positive. He and his firm will continue to develop plans for submission to the regulatory agencies of the town.

Mr. Marren noted that there are a few concerns, but these can be addressed during the design and submission phase:

-Our site is zoned “R/O-Residential/Office” This zoning usually requires a 50’ setback from the road. However, Mr. Marren and Stacy Paetzel’s feeling is that the town will allow a smaller setback as that will “…follow the rhythm of the street, where other buildings are 20’ from the roadway.”

-The site has been “grandfathered” to have three buildings on it.

-The site has been “rearranged” regarding the front, sides and rear of the church building to allow for appropriate setbacks on all sides.

Mr. Marren also noted that now is the time to establish who is the “owner” of the project (i.e., who signs any paperwork required); the congregation, the Board of Trustees or an officer (s) of the Board.

The Building Team and Mr. Marren discussed at length arrangements and options for rooms in his latest iteration of the design.

He noted that contracts with Eugene Burger should be formalized as quickly as possible so he can use Mr. Burger’s expertise to establish a more accurate cost estimate of our project. (An “F.F.E.” estimate- Fixtures, Furnishings, and Equipment.)

Mr. Marren noted that it may become necessary to do fund raising to offset some costs of our project; the benches for the sanctuary are one option for “purchase.”

He will be presenting more materials to the Town officials next week.

Meeting adjourned at 9:20.