Building Team Minutes 3-7-2017
Irene Stewart, Peter Young, Sherry Smith, Mark Sisson. Excused: Beth Peterson, Suzette Reiss
Meeting called to order at 7:07
Minutes from the 3/2/2017 meeting were accepted.
Peter Young informed the Building Team the contract between the Church and New England Barns and Fine Homebuilding is almost ready to be signed. Irene informed the BT that a digital copy of the survey had been delivered to Marren and Newman, Inc. and Marshall Paetzel, Inc.
Irene distributed the Insurance Funds Report compiled by Susan Pond for February 2017. Within the report, it was noted that monies had been dispersed to Paetzel and Marren.
A discussion followed about the agenda for the Church Supper, Friday March 10, 2017.
-The Board will discuss the proposed budget and distribute pledge packets.
-The Nominating Committee will report nominees.
-The Board President will speak to the situation with our minister.
-The Building Team (Irene and/or Mark)
-Introduce Peter Marren, who will speak to the Membership.
-The BT will strive to impart that we are the “keepers of the dream” and that we will try to hold the confindence of the Congregation.
-The BT will strive to keep the traditions of the 1st Universalist Church of Southold at the forefront of the design process.
-While not to be noted at the meeting, suggestions from the Membership are still welcome, but are not “votable,” i.e., they will be discussed at BT meetings, and implemented where and when appropriate.
-Again, while not necessarily to be noted at the meeting, fundraising efforts could concentrate on several options; windows, benches, the Blue House refurbishment and the parsonage refurbishment to name a few.
-If there is question about the responsibilities of a “landscape architect,” the BT will defer to Mr. Marren or define it thus: Our landscape architect should be more properly called a “site plan designer.” It was decided by the BT, in conjunction with our architect, that our site requires an integrated plan for building location, parking, drainage, etc. which is the purview of a landscape architect. A landscape architect is NOT specifically designing the landscape of our project at this point.
It was suggested that Kimberley Debus attend at least one more meeting of the BT to give us her insight per the conversations she’s had with Mr. Marren (philosophy, space, programs, etc.
Next meeting 3-16-2017. Meeting adjourned 8:50.