Irene Stewart, Beth Peterson, Peter Young, Sherry Smith, Donya Vanburen, Suzette Reiss, Laurie, Ullman, Mark Sisson
Excused: Bill Funke, Xavier Amador
Meeting called to order at 7:13
Mark read opening words; A Kol Nidrei from Mark Belletini
Minutes from the meeting of 6/23 were read and accepted with changes (estimate from Calabro Builders was written, not verbal).
Donya distributed two charts; one a checklist for architects and one a checklist for builders. The categories were based on Xavier’s email to the Team of June 27 (cost, nature of guarantees, years in business, complaints/lawsuits, proposed timeline, clients available for contact.) The Team held a discussion of the proposals submitted so far, using the charts and the written proposals from people we’ve contacted as a basis for our discussion and comparison.
Suzette wondered if we should table making a final decision until the entire Team was seated. It was decided we should.
Laurie questioned how the Team will vet the folks who have submitted proposals. It was noted that Xavier had volunteered to do so for the Team, but the process will include speaking with the potential contractor/architect’s clients. It was noted that it may be difficult to discover dissatisfied customers unless investigation includes a thorough search of Better Business Bureau files.
There was a discussion whether the Team could choose a builder since they work from architectural drawings and cannot accurately estimate costs. It was noted that builders have general knowledge of costs and, as they were all presented with the same footprint and elevation plans, so that knowledge would suffice for comparative purposes.
Sherry expressed concerns that any architect contracted be local to facilitate interaction with the Team. There followed a brief discussion of the term “clerk of the works,” part of the charge given to the Team by the Board of Trustees. (The clerk of the works’ role is primarily to represent the interests of the client, ensuring quality in materials and execution of design, and is by definition, a local entity or person. Peter has volunteered to fulfill that role, if necessary.)
Beth noted that Stacey Bishop would act as local intermediary for Northeast Custom Modular.
Irene noted that architects can “…think differently about items than we can.”
Sherry noted that an architect can “…add an aesthetic facet to our design.”
Donya noted that an architect can “…give a project flow.”
As the Team was not fully seated, it was decided to postpone making a choice.
Irene noted that Jack Speyer will attend the meeting of July 5 to update the Team about financial items and to email agenda items as quickly as possible.
Motion to adjourn was made by Peter and seconded by Laurie. Meeting adjourned at 9:18.