Building Team Notes- July 5, 2016


Irene Stewart, Laurie Ullman, Suzette Reiss, Peter Young, Sherry Smith, Mark Sisson, Donya VanBuren, Xavier Amador, Bill Funke

Meeting called to order at 7:07

Minutes from the meeting of June 30 had not been distributed, so could not be approved.

Our guest, Jack Speyer, was invited to update the Building Team on insurance monies.

-Jack informed us the insurance policy says we have as “…much time as required,” but that our project should be moving with “…reasonable dispatch.”

-The insurance company would need an estimated time line for completion of our project to give a firm date for final disbursement, if needed.

-The insurance company cannot give us monies “up front” because of differences in cost of replacement versus depreciation on the existing structure.

-Jack is in negotiations with the insurance company to have values mentioned above coincide.

-The public adjustor (Freedman?) is still on the job.

-Monies being used for trailer rental, space rental, etc. are coming from a separate policy that covers “loss of income.”

-Cost for paving the parking lot have not been addressed with the insurance company.

-The Team was assured that costs not related to the rebuilding (e.g., trailer rental) are the purview of the Board of Trustees.

-It was further noted that appropriate costs incurred during rebuilding (e.g., surveyor’s fees) should be submitted by the Team to the Board for approval and disbursement.

Jack stated that he is confident that, in the event the Church cannot meet deadlines that may arise, the Church would be reimbursed according to our policy because the insurance company could not afford the bad publicity resulting from their withholding monies owed to the Church.

It was noted that the officers of the Board of Trustees currently is not bonded. However, it is in the process of becoming so, especially with regards to the monies that will be disbursed in the building process.

The Team thanked Jack for his time, patience and diligence in representing the Church in this process.

Representatives of New England Barns and Fine Homebuilding, with Marren and Newman, Architects have been invited to the meeting scheduled for July 7.

Discussion followed about whether the Team will have heard from enough contractors/architects after Thursday’s meeting. All members of the Team agreed that we had heard from sufficient numbers, but the Team reserved the right to contact others, if the need arises.

Discussion followed about the number of proposals that should be presented to the Board of Trustees. All members of the Team agreed that three (3) proposals would be sufficient. The makeup of those proposals were as follows, pending discussion:

-Written proposal from a modular builder.

-Written proposal from a builder/architect team.

-Written proposal from an architect, without a builder attached.

It was again noted that since all respondents had the same “plan” to work with, the Team could be confident that comparisons would be valid. It was also noted that if a tradesperson, contacted by the Team, had not responded, they would be considered “not interested” in our project.

Discussion followed about wording of the invitation to members of the congregation to speak at BT meetings;

In order to honor members’ input and concerns as expressed at the Annual Meeting, the   Building Team has set up a procedure for members of the Congregation to attend BT meetings by appointment. This procedure offers 10 minutes at the start of BT meetings for a member to directly speak to, and be heard by, the Building Team. Input from these conversations will be noted and absorbed by the BT as we attend to the urgent agenda items on hand that evening. BT meetings are weekly intense work sessions in order to fulfill our charge to the satisfaction of the Board of Trustees and ultimately, the Congregation.

 Discussion of a “Key Points” presentation followed. It was decided that Donya’s distillation of the minutes was the best effort and will be distributed to the Congregation. It was suggested that the Building Team read and approve the Key Points prior to distribution. Further discussion was held about updates to be held during services, as well as holding congregational forums. The Team reaffirmed the need to communicate openly with the Congregation and the Board of Trustees. It was noted that any open forums to be held will need to have clear guidelines set forth so discussions are kept civil and non-accusatory.

Sherry quoted from Marren and Gorman’s proposal about “… developing a clear statement that presents the Church’s point of view and vision,” including the Church’s growth and role in the community. Mark stated that the Team has been developing our vision during our time together, perhaps not in a written statement, but in looking for new spaces in our design, and asking the Congregation for their own dreams and visions for the Church, that once a contractor is settled upon, that statement can be formalized.

Laurie motioned, Bill seconded to adjourn the meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 9:15.