Building Team Notes- July 19, 2016

Irene Stewart, Peter Young, Donya VanBuren, Beth Peterson, Mark Sisson, Sherry Smith

Excused: Laurie Ullman, Bill Funke, Xavier Amador

Meeting called to order at 7:06.

It was noted that Bill Funke has tendered his resignation from the Building Team. Action was tabled until a later date.

It was noted that Xavier Amador had resigned from the Board of Trustees and therefore will also have resigned from the Building Team. Action was tabled until a later date.

Suzette reported she had followed up with Stacey Mohrman with questions about Ms. Mohrman’s proposal. Stacey had not responded to all of them as yet, but Suzette would forward her answers when they arrive.

It was noted that a member of the congregation had, once again, visited a NE Custom Modular work site and was advised by a member of the site’s neighborhood association that further trespassing could result in arrest. The Team expressed their frustration that this is an ongoing problem and the hope that it will not interfere with our deliberations.

A brief discussion of an idea floated by a member (that the Church purchase the Cutchogue Methodist Church and use/rent the space while constructing a new building on the original site of the First Universalist Church of Southold) was held. It was agreed that this is an issue to be addressed by the Board of Trustees.

Laurie reported that the survey is complete and presented copies of same. The site plan is our next step, though that is the responsibility of any contractor we hire.

A discussion was held about the vetting process, especially in light of Xavier’s resignation. He has offered to continue the process as a member of our congregation. The Team will use the questions Xavier proposed earlier (Note: see questions below) and a committee consisting of Suzette, Beth and Donya will continue the investigation of potential contractors.

A discussion was held about details of builders and their proposals. Sherry reiterated that now is the time to begin to address issues that had been tabled, e.g., whether the church should pursue a new organ, whether the church should pursue reversing the sanctuary, etc.

A discussion was held on how the proposals the Building Team forwards to the Board of Trustees should be presented to the membership. It was decided that there should be one person “responsible” for each proposal, though all members of the Team should be familiar with all proposals.

Peter and Donya excused themselves for prior engagements.

A brief discussion was held about replacing Bill on the Team. No decision was reached.

The Team was reminded that we are to share “positive thoughts” about ourselves, our process and what’s to come at the end of our meetings.

Motion made (Mark), seconded (Beth) to adjourn

Meeting adjourned 8:45.

Our next meeting will be July 26.


Questions to be asked during the vetting process:

  1. Request for three (3) references
  2. Checking BBB for complaints.*
  3. Verifying relevant professional licenses and that they are current and in good standing
  4. Searching online for other complaints.*
  5. Lawsuits in NYS related to their work as builders/architects.*
  6. Inviting proposal authors to share testimonials.
  7. Confirming years in business and any bankruptcies (Chapter 11 filings.)*

*Any complaints or other derogatory facts such as lawsuits or bankruptcies will be forwarded to our proposal authors for their comments and defense if they so desire, Only written responses are requested.