Irene Stewart, Mark Sisson, Sherry Smith, Suzette Reiss, Peter Young
Excused: Beth Peterson
Meeting called to order 7:03 pm.
Minutes from 12/15/16 approved.
Irene reported that Bill Moore had the contracts between the Church, our architect, landscape architect and builder for review.
A discussion of the current status of the insurance claim followed. It was determined that Peter would approach Jack Speyer for assessment of same in writing by our next meeting. It was also suggested that Jack might be invited to a future meeting, perhaps with architect Peter Marren in attendance, to answer questions and concerns. Irene distributed a report of Insurance Fund Income and Expenses from November 30, 2016.
A discussion followed concerning New England Barns and Fine Homes. It was conceded that there are some reservations with them, and Bill Gorman, but that this will encourage the Building Team to be extra vigilant in the contract between the Church and Mr. Gorman, and during construction of the building. Irene reported that Mr. Marren had assured her that he is also aware of these concerns and will act accordingly.
A discussion followed of the “10 page draft” Mr. Marren submitted to the BT. It was decided that each member should peruse their own copy of the draft and make comments, which would then be coalesced onto a single copy for discussion with Mr. Marren at a future meeting.
A discussion followed of the rental property (the rental property is of concern for several reasons: its position relative to the parking lot and proposed sanctuary/parish hall, its deteriorating condition, the potential to realize significant income in today’s real estate market, etc.) It was decided that Peter would broach this subject with the Board of Trustees for their input. There was also a brief discussion of the parsonage and what, if anything, the Church should address there.
Meeting adjourned 8:35 pm.