Irene Stewart, Suzette Reiss, Sherry Smith, Beth Peterson, Mark Sisson
Excused: Peter Young (Feel better soon, Peter!)
Minutes of the January 19, 2017 were read and accepted.
No firm updates were available to the Building Team about the status of contracts, although Irene reported that the architect’s contract had been approved by both Peter Marren and Bill Moore. It was supposed to be with the Board of Trustees. However, with Peter Young’s health issues, this could not be determined with any certainty. Irene said she would investigate further. The BT also asked that Irene ascertain where the responsibility lies for executing the contract between the Church and Mr. Marren; the entire Board, the officers or solely the president, and in lieu of the president, which officer(s). There is some frustration evidenced by the BT over the length of time this stage of the process is consuming. It was noted that it is better to address all contractual issues at this time, rather than proceeding without safeguards in place. The Building Team expressed the interest in obtaining copies of the signed contracts between the Church and Mr. Marren and New England Barns and Fine Homebuilding.
Irene presented the monthly budget outline, compiled by Susan Pond. It was noted that the Church is using approximately $1000 per month for the trailer rental and use of Holy Trinity. Irene remarked that she had not received the “letter of intent” from the insurance company, but had been assured that it was being sent soon.
The BT discussed the report to be given orally by Mark to the Congregation at the February 5 service. It was agreed that there is a need for a glossary of terms, especially moving forward in the design process.
There was a short discussion of the “potluck” dinner proposed by the BT. The Team has decided to postpone the dinner until there were plans and/or models available from Mr. Marren. It was remarked that we would like to have the dinner in the American Legion hall, which may complicate scheduling.
There was brief discussion of the practicality of installing a pipe organ in the sanctuary, especially since Mr. Marren has stated he would have to “design around the pipes.” Mark reported that, according to the technician from Foley-Baker, Inc. (organ installers) at an earlier BT meeting, the so-called blower room does not have to be on the same level as the keyboard. Mark was to find out if the location of the “pipe box” in the sanctuary is required to be in the front, or could it be elsewhere. It was noted that, unfortunately, a pipe organ is a large expense, and requires continual maintenance, but at this stage of our design, we should allow for the possibility of installation.
There was a brief discussion of the BT’s policy of allowing guests to address the Team during the first 10 minutes of our meetings. The Team concurred that this procedure could be suspended, now that we have settled on a direction. Members of the congregation can speak with BT members individually, or comment through the website, if they have ideas or suggestions to offer. The Team reaffirmed that they are the representatives of the congregation, and will listen to all ideas, but is aware that the time has come to make the design process less unwieldy.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40.