Beth Peterson, Sherry Smith, Irene Stewart, Laurie Ullmann, Donya VanBuren, Peter Young.
Excused: Mark Sisson, Suzette Reiss
Meeting called to order at 7:10
Minutes from previous meeting were not read.
Regarding the Board of Trustree’s request for insurance and bonding verificaton from Marren/Gorman and Stacey Bishop, and commercial references from Ms. Bishop as well: it was decided the Board should pursue these issues.
(At the request of the Board, the Building Team had been asked to attend the Board’s regular meeting of 8/23/16 to answer questions. The BT agreed and requested to have a list of questions made available prior to the meeting.)
Report of that meeting: 5 members of the BT were present. After answering questions, Trustee John Forestieri read correspondences from Stacey Bishop and challenged her statements, ultimately requesting that her proposal be withdrawn from consideration. The Board decided to invite Ms. Bishop, as well as Marren/Gorman to meet with the Board of Trustees separately, as soon as possible.
Discussion followed regarding contracting with an architect or not. Sherry said it is prudent for us to use this resource considering that we are in the process of rebuilding a church that was, and still is, of significant importance to our congregation and the community at large. Peter said the Stacey Bishop could bring an architect/engineer as well.
Parking lot requirements were discussed. Laurie and Peter will talk to Damon Rallis of Southold Town’s Building Department about Town and State requirements this week.
Discussion followed about interior spaces and functions; the rooms that will be needed to accommodate the basic functions of the church, as well as those that supplement/enhance the mission of the church. The BT will have to decide whether or not to pursue a finished basement in our final design.
Meeting adjourned at 9:04