Irene Stewart, Suzette Reiss, Sherry Smith, Peter Young, Beth Peterson,
Mark Sisson, Peter Marren
Meeting called to order 7:05.
Minutes of meeting 9/14 accepted.
Irene presented the monthly financial statement prepared by Susan Pond, treasurer of the church. A discussion ensued about the financial situation of the church. It was noted that when a new minister arrives, there will be additional pressure on the congregation. The discussion also led to an assessment that the current construction/insurance budget as insufficient for the project as it stands. This led to a discussion of possible fund-raising ideas. Peter Marren said he could contact an acquaintance who advises others about fund raising. The Building Team will recommend to the Board of Trustees that the Fund Raising Committee, at least, meet with the BT to get an idea of what funds are still needed, as well as the person Mr. Marren suggested.
The BT also briefly touched on the fundraising concert event scheduled for October 7 at Holy Trinity Church. The Conceptual Site Plan created by Stacy Paetzel was presented and discussed. It was decided that Mark would “unveil” and discuss the plan after the concert was finished, and again after Sunday, October 8th’s service. He was cautioned to make sure he would state this plan was still tentative.
Mr. Marren stated materials had been sent to the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals and he has an appointment with the Historic Preservation Commission scheduled for 10/17.
A discussion followed about the style, materials, etc., of the benches planned for the sanctuary, to be made by Luke Hughes, Co. Mr. Marren reported there would be a sample bench in our area around Thanksgiving.
A discussion followed about the latest iteration of the 3-D model Mr. Marren constructed of our project.
Mark will not be able to attend meetings in the evenings until after November 1 due to previous engagements. The Team conceded the need to meet during the afternoon, if necessary.
Meeting adjourned at 9:35.