Check back here for notes of the Building Team’s meetings; snapshots of discussions, guest experts, and other facets of our project planning.
Building Team Meeting 1/27/16
Laurie Ullman, Sherry Smith, Donya VanBuren, Peter Young, Kimberley Debus, Irene Stewart, Mark Sisson, Suzette Reiss, Bill Funke
We opened the meeting with an inspirational reading by Kimberley, “The Church that doesn’t matter.” (if you’d like to read it, here’s a link: )
The Team welcomed Bill, pending resolution of Frank Conti’s situation.
Architect Tom Samuels, who had been invited to our meeting, told Peter that our project “…doesn’t need him” and that his fee would be too great, especially if we use Stacey Bishop’s firm. However, he has generously offered any assistance, as needed.
We watched the video Xavier Amador sent concerning a design competition. A lively discussion followed with some of the following noted, in no particular order:
-The Church Board has recommended considering a contest.
-Scope of invitation to participate; Long Island, NYC metro area, nationwide, etc.
-Discussion of who would be judges; congregation, local, UUA member, “celebrity,” etc.
-Discussion of parameters for contest; Historic Preservation Commission, cost, aesthetics, etc.
-Input and/or approval of the congregation was also stressed.
It was decided that Xavier may have answers to questions the Team had and decisions were tabled until our next meeting, which he will be asked to attend. It was also decided to reach out to other UUA churches who may have had a similar situation (i.e., a design contest) to ask for their input. Kimberley has done so and is awaiting responses.
We decided to ask the congregation, and our Team, for sketches of their “dream churches,” similar to the written wildest dream ideas. This will be mentioned at the service 1/31/2016 and we’ll ask Susan Pond to send an email (as we missed the deadline for the Free Spirit.) Drawings can be sent to “Drawings, P. O. Box 221, Southold, NY 11971.” Kimberley will set up a Gmail account where electronic submissions can be sent.
Sub-committee responsibilities were discussed and noted that they were included in minutes from previous meetings.
Our next meeting will be held February 10 at Peter and Suzi’s house at 7:00pm. Team members will provide the refreshments. Donya will assume Chair responsibilities. Mark Sisson will continue as Recording Secretary.
The meeting following that will be on February 17. Laurie will find out if we can meet at the Southold Library, though, hopefully we will be able to use the trailer to be set up in the Church parking lot for use by the Church Board for meetings and other Church functions. (This was noted as outside the purview of the Team’s responsibility. It was further noted that the trailer will not need Health Department or Highway Department approvals, but those approvals will be needed for the building itself and could take as much as 6 months to complete.) A short discussion of insurance monies and their distribution followed. Perhaps there should be a more complete accounting included with minutes from now on?
Kimberley asked that the entire Building Team attend the March 13 service as it will be the one year anniversary of the fire.