Author: Unitarian Universalists

October 2020

Burger Construction is making progress soliciting pricing from subcontractors and vendors/ suppliers.  [Then, it goes to the Board for the final decision-making.] Burger and Marren delivered landscape, civil, structural and architectural drawings to the Southold Building Department (end of Sept.).  Mike Verity (Chief Inspector) agreed to provide a pre-filing review of those documents so (after we have all the other related approvals – … Continue reading October 2020

September 2020

Eugene Burger has drawings and has started the pricing process. John Condon is dealing with Health Department variance paperwork. Peter Marren has asked Condon to provide additional technical (mechanical, electrical & plumbing) engineering pieces for Burger. Marren and Burger are meeting this week with Michael Verity, Chief Building Inspector for the Southold Building Department. Irene … Continue reading September 2020

August 2020

Peter Marren is tying up loose ends.  He hopes to have the necessary reports / information to Eugene Burger by the end of July.  It should take 4 to 6 weeks for the subcontractors to send their costs to Burger, who will send them to the Board and Building Team for review and decisions. Cross your … Continue reading August 2020

July 2020

On June 25th, there was a Zoom status-report call (set up by Peter Marren) with all the key people on our project.  At the meeting, the group reviewed the status of the architectural drawings, the various permits that are in process or to be applied for, and the timeline for the building permit, bidding process, and groundbreaking. … Continue reading July 2020

June 2020

It is rumored that the Town of Southold offices/Building Department will reopen on June 15th.  (We do not know when our turn will come, after that?)  But, as I wrote in the Building Team Annual Meeting Report, if all goes as planned (and all the needed documents/reports are completed, priced, reviewed by our church Board, and submitted), we will … Continue reading June 2020

May 2020

Town of Southold Building Dept.:  All construction is temporarily on hold due to COVID-19.  We have not been told when building will begin again. Here are a few of the small, and not-so-small, important things Peter Marren is conferring on: Stacy Paetzel is working directly with Town Planning Dept. on light lumen levels, small plantings, … Continue reading May 2020

April 2020

We are moving toward completion of the final aspects of the Construction Documents.  Getting in touch with people has slowed down, due to circumstances of the COVID-19 virus.  Nevertheless, Peter Marren and his team are working hard – on our behalf. We will keep everyone posted on our progress. Irene Stewart, Chair

March 2020

Peter Marren met with Mike Verity (Chief Building Inspector, Town of Southold Building Department).  Peter was told we must make the basement space (of the Parish Hall building) usable (people) space, not just storage space.  That change necessitated adding a wheel-chair-accessible elevator in the lobby (between the PH building and the Sanctuary). The BT met and discussed electronics (to … Continue reading March 2020

February 2020

Now… the Construction Documents are in the final stages of completion. Next… our Contractor, Eugene Burger, will send the CDs to the sub-contractors for costs.  The Board will decide our top priorities – what we want, what we need, and what we can afford to build.  Meanwhile… the Fundraising Committee has created a very professional brochure about our first … Continue reading February 2020

January 2020

We are moving along… Technical information:  architect, engineers and builder are focusing on integrating the building “systems” now – mechanical, electrical, plumbing, structural, etc. – to incorporate into the CDs (construction documents).  Meetings with key people. We will keep you updated. Irene Stewart, Chair