Author: Unitarian Universalists


On Sunday, November 27, Pastor Kimberley will be preaching about pie – after the service, we will have a potluck pie brunch. Please bring a sweet or savory pie – quiches, pizzas, shepherd’s pies, pot pies, berry pies, apple pies, tarts, cream pies – whatever kind of pie tickles your fancy. After spending an hour … Continue reading Pie!

Thoughts on Grace

“Grace” is amazing!  Those possessed of it seem to me to move through life smoothly, not fearful or worrying, taking things as they come, spinning threads of love wherever they go.  They believe that life is good and have expectations in accord with that belief. I love the word, and the spiritual idea of “grace.” … Continue reading Thoughts on Grace

First Universalist Artists on Display

Nancy Willott, Rich Willott, and Patricia McCarthy now have a space in Greenport to display and sell their art! Please stop by to see their wonderful display of oils, pastels, and photographs at The Fiedler Gallery, 207 Main Street, Greenport.