Good Food & Fun!

January 17th, 6-9pm


You can watch our worship services, livestreamed on Facebook at 11:00 a.m. Sundays, or view archived services on our Videos page, by visiting us on Facebook at

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Unitarian Universalists of Southold 

Please note: We were formerly the First Universalist Church of Southold; we are now the Unitarian Universalists of Southold

Our address is 51900 Main Road in Southold.

To sign up for our church e-news, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page.

Upcoming Service

Love and Power

Our UUA bylaws describe our values as centered around the transformational power of Love.  What does this mean for us on the local level?  We will kick off the UUA’s 30 days of love campaign with a re-orientation towards this vital spiritual value.